The compassionate, sensitive shimmer of Pisces season (kicking off Monday – GMT and AEST) is working double time from the get-go to smooth things over, especially after last week’s big, explosive mood.
But with Mars and Venus in Aquarius moving in unison most of the week, a focus on strategic action will underpin any olive branches.
Next weekend, a full moon in Virgo comes with a handy reality check. This is the kind of energy that illuminates the parts of your plan (or relationship) that need further refinement.
Stop and consider how you could take the new information as constructive feedback to improve the situation. That won’t necessarily be easy – the knee-jerk pull to just cut the cord or withdraw will be real. In spite of any initial “ouch”, try to think long term instead.
Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at theastrologyofyou.com to learn your sign.
Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.
If you’ve got a bone to pick with a friend (or perhaps things kicked off last week), this week sees some further developments. But far from being a straight up fallout, there’s scope for this to be a productive confrontation. The key is to keep a cool head, which should be easier in the first half of the week.
Capitalise on the steely grit and airy detachment on tap and press go on any big networking plans you had in mind for 2024. This is an excellent window to send those paper aeroplanes flying into the ether – metaphorically speaking – and actually receive a response. Even if you receive a knock-back, at least you’ll know where you stand rather than floundering in ambiguity.
Chemistry isn’t only important in romantic relationships. Having a good rapport is essential to learning environments, and even more broadly, to the place you live. If you’ve been thinking about a big move, or even going back to school this is an excellent week to test the waters. Clear the decks for a reccie or lock in time to chat to a course coordinator. The weather is perfect for you to do a little “chemistry check” to see whether or not this idea of yours is actually going to pay off. By the weekend’s full moon, you should have a clearer idea of whether it’s right for you.
There’s a balmy change to the astro vibes courtesy of Pisces season after some especially angsty few weeks. With the moon also in your home sign Monday through Wednesday (AEST and GMT) all signs point to laying low. If you’re in a relationship, your other half may need a little TLC and with Mars and Venus joining forces in the sphere of deep connection within your chart, it’s an excellent window for D and Ms.
Pisces season may be here but the Aquarius energy is ensuring there’s still a LOT going on in your closest relationships. If you’ve got a partner, there could be huge developments unfolding in their personal and professional lives. If you’re single, the stars are aligned for some major chain reactions. Keep an eye on DMs sliding into your inbox and bear in mind that what you put out mid-week could have long-lasting repercussions. The full moon on Saturday will highlight the financial impact of your best laid plans.
You’ve heard the saying, “one day they’ll be my boss,” bandied around? Well this is the week to think about who you’ve worked with that fits that description…and look them up! With Mars and Venus squaring off against Jupiter in the realm of your co-workers, and people you manage/have managed –the sky is primed for some potent professional reconnections to be made. Over the weekend, a tough-but-necessary relationship audit will help you get things back on track or clarify next moves with the most important people in your life.
The sauciness continues this week with Mars and Venus igniting your pleasure sphere making the middle of the week ideal for hooking up. If that’s not really your jam ATM, make Tuesday to Thursday a time to do something totally indulgent and fun – just for you. Whatever your idea of off-the-clock play might be, make this week a moment to prioritise just that. Saturday’s full moon is all about getting back on track with your wellbeing, so order the OTT cheese platter earlier in the week while the going is good.
The big hits keep coming this week with Mars and Venus igniting fireworks at home. It may be a natural evolution of whatever last week’s surprise revelation dredged up. Or maybe it’s just the nudge you needed to press go on a big domestic purchase (think: new house or maybe just a new couch). Whatever it is, the underlying vibe is “go for it!”. By the weekend, the full moon will shift the focus away from home. Get you ducks in a line before it arrives.
While Pisces season may be beckoning you to go to ground (FYI it’s one of your most low key astro seasons of the year), there’s still a bit of excitement afoot. Communications and learning are still a key theme this week as Mars and Venus give you a little extra nudge to make stuff happen. Drawing on your local connections – or even people you’ve known since school– could help get an idea or plan over the line. Take a swing, this week, you might just hit a home run.
Finally the focus starts to shift away from cash, but there’s still a few loose ends to tie up before you can pop your budgets back in your bottom drawer – metaphorically speaking. A big purchase or pricy night out has the potential to make your eyes water mid-week. Go with the flow, the outlay will have long-ranging effects on a storyline that’s been percolating since May last year. On Saturday, a full moon could help refine a longer-term travel or learning goal.
Your home season may be over but you’re still front and centre this week thanks to Mars, Venus and Jupiter. A combination of courage and social cache on your part has the potential to help feather your nest. Resist the temptation to deflect and take credit where credit’s due. By the weekend, a full moon pulls focus onto cash. Think long-term and be upfront with your other half (if you’ve got one) about where you want to be in five years’ time.
There’s a break in the weather this week as the sun peeks through the clouds that have been heavy Aquarian energy and moves into your home sign. Take a minute for introspection and play (extra points if it involves salt water) while the moon moves through Cancer, Monday through to Wednesday (AEST and GMT). A full moon over next weekend promises real clarification around what you truly want in your closest relationships. Be brave and let your longer term dreams guide your immediate, here-and-now decisions.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.