Fresh off the back of last weekend’s fiery full moon, the spicy mood continues. From start to finish, the week serves Drag Race-worthy Drama (with a capital ‘D’). Expect big, bold moves that leave all involved shaken and stirred. Brace yourself as Mercury and Uranus team up to flip the script and reframe an issue in a completely new, utterly brilliant way on Monday (AEST and GMT). This lightbulb moment will be especially potent for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius rising people who could be dealing or receiving the surprise.
Hot tip: I always recommend you read your rising sign for the most resonant advice. If you don’t know it, you can work it out by casting your chart here. Want to learn more? Pick up a copy of my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee
Have you considered all options? Shifting perspective – especially on something money or salary related – could be worth your time on Monday. The new approach has the potential to bring momentum, against all odds. From Tuesday onwards, there’s sauciness in the air. It’s the sort of weather to indulge in some outrageously exhibitionist behaviour – statement shoes or a quicky somewhere a little bit risky. Giddy up!
Brace yourself for a moment of clarity on Monday. The a-ha moment should help you gain a new perspective on an ongoing situation. It could be a change of heart or a completely new approach. No sooner has it sparked your imagination than a shock revelation changes the playing field. Try not to make any sudden movements (as hard as it may be). There’s nothing to be gained by jumping in head first.
You’re rarely lost for words but being extra mindful about what you say, and who you say it to will serve you well this week. Unexpectedly provocative discussions could get you into all sorts of trouble. Don’t be surprised if playful banter escalates into A Very Big Deal in record time. On the upside, Mercury glides into Gemini on Sunday (AEST and GMT) bringing some much needed levity to the situation.
There’s big bombshells on the horizon this week as Venus, Pluto, Mars and the Moon roll up their sleeves and get in the ring. After you get over the initial shock of some new information (or a new alliance), expect a little push back on Thursday and Friday as the dust settles. It might leave a bad taste in your mouth, but take comfort knowing you’ll be ready to move past it by Sunday.
How very dare you! This week you’re delivering “go big or go home” energy as Venus moves into your home sign and stands off with Pluto. If you’re wanting to make a big impression, Monday and Tuesday (AEST and GMT) are your moment. It’s ‘more is more,’ ‘don’t like me, LOVE me kind’ of vibes. Fabulous weather for showing off so long as you’re prepared for the fact that not everyone finds the pomp and circumstance endearing.
Out of the blue intel or a left-field message could leave you genuinely speechless on Monday when the sky is primed for you to receive unexpected news. It will be the most intriguing moment, before other people’s drama dominates the rest of the week. As the week rolls on, keep your head down unless you fancy playing confidante to someone, stuck in the middle of it all. Politely side-step and stay well away from it.
Stay alert for pings on Monday that could help you make sense of the murkiness that’s dominated the past month or two. Further afield, do your very best to stay in your own lane when an emotionally-charged mood could see you become collateral damage. Don’t let yourself get sucked into the drama. No matter how persuasive a friend seems, this is not your rodeo, not your bull. Save your energy, it’s not worth it.
Time to put your glass to the wall and listen intently! Early in the week someone very close to you has advice or information that completely changes the way you see things (or them!). Mid-week, a strategic power play for a manager’s attention has the potential to backfire big time. Do yourself a favour and make sure you aren’t the one making the moves.
Someone you work with – or even manage – could be the bearer of intriguing news early in the week. Keep your ear to the ground for new intel that could inspire you to change tacts on a job situation. Hold any fresh info close as you move through the week. It’s likely that full-throttle drama will ensue, although it won’t directly involve you, unless of course, you’re feeling bored and stick your nose in. If you can help it, don’t.
“Where did THAT come from?” That’s the question you’ll be left asking as totally left-field messages slide into your DMs early this week. By Tuesday, a surprise alliance or offer, possibly around cash, has the potential to blow something (or someone) out of the water. Bide your time and wait to see where the cards land before you make a decision.
Embracing a stoic detachment will afford you just the right amount of space to properly reflect on something important calling for your attention on Monday. It may seem so simple, you can’t believe you haven’t thought of it sooner. Mid-week, major planetary shifts signal major fireworks with your main squeeze, with the aftershocks reverberating until the weekend. By Sunday, processing what just happened will feel much easier.
Sometimes, the secret to solving a problem is asking the right question, rather than fixating on getting an answer. Consider whether you have been asking the right questions (or asking the right people) on Monday, when the sky gives you a cosmic nudge to think outside the box. Look forward to the weekend when Mercury’s shift into Gemini breathes a breath of fresh air to your most important relationships.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.