Sick of the same old, same old? You’re in luck, because change is happening all over the place this week. With Virgo season upon us, productivity, adaptability and practicality come into focus after a seriously challenging Leo season.
Mercury retrograde also wraps up mid-week, delivering one final blast of enlightenment. And if that’s not enough to get you excited, brace yourself as both Uranus stations and Pluto shuffles back into Capricorn, suggesting major drama on a macro scale. Surprise twists, unexpected revelations and moments of truth and consequence are all possible manifestations.
All this against set against some seriously juicy Venus vibes encouraging us to heal and connect in more grounded, simple ways.
TLDR: expect change, try some kind of physical activity you’ve never explored (bonus points if it’s in nature) and keep your eyes on the news.
If a sense of ambiguity has been getting you done, rest assured things are about to change. With outer planets bringing the drama later on the weekend (Uranus and Pluto 1 Sept GMT), things should get a little more interesting. But perhaps the most useful movements are at work, with Venus making a series of very productive and enlightening moves, perfect for putting your best foot forward. A little bit of networking, highlighting your achievements or joining forces with an unexpected ally could go a long way to help you achieve a professional outcome that will reap long-term benefits.
“Light” and “limber” are your words of the week. Hard as it may be, this is not a time to get stuck on an idea and hold on to “plan A” for dear life. Things are going to move around and the more malleable you can be with outcomes the less arduous it will feel. Some luscious Venus weather in the middle of the week will help you ground and centre in unexpected ways. Take a leap and connect with people or pleasure (or both) in a new way around Tuesday, then let the resulting endorphin rush pave new pathways transform the way you move forward into the last quarter of this year.
The heavy going that has been this Mercury retrograde draws to a close this week, giving Gemini folks a new lease on life. Stay tuned for one final hit of retrograde hijinks Wednesday/Thursday before you feel a sense of flow and ease return to your day to day. In other news, there’s some very nice opportunities for connection, play and beauty – especially with the people who know you best – through the middle of the week. A little bit of quality time will go a long way so make space to slow down and enjoy the simple things.
The natural ebb and flow of the lunar cycle is often a little more pronounced for crabs, and this week as we move into the dark moon phase it’s all about slowing down and taking a more passive approach. With Mercury also grinding to a halt mid-week, don’t be surprised if you’re feeling just a bit more low key than usual. There’s scope for some heartfelt conversations and connection Tuesday through Thursday, when Venus offers a calming quality to friendships that may need a little soothing. Make the most of the energy by checking in with someone or even extending an olive branch.
Lightning strikes twice for Leos this week, with Mercury and Uranus causing a commotion. Clarity is withing reach, but the download or intel that lands around Wednesday/Thursday could still come as a bit of a surprise. Seeking advice, counsel or input around a financial decision through the middle of the week could bode very well, with repercussions that echo through the rest of this year. Then, Uranus makes some noise, triggering a big change or surprise announcement with someone prominent. Pass the popcorn, this is going to be interesting!
You’ve got the floor this week with the sun shining in your home sign and your ruling planet (Mercury) wrapping up its retrograde cycle. What’s it all mean? Well for one, making decisions, getting feedback or moving forward will be a whole lot easier from Friday onwards. Expect to make progress for the first time since the 5 August. You’re also in the crosshairs of some very nice Venus weather, encouraging you to mix things up and try a different approach in your relationships (not only romantic ones either). It might feel a little weird, but if the opportunity arises to mix things up, give it a go. The results will be pleasantly surprising.
While the rest of the zodiac is stoked about Mercury retrograde ending, your big moment this week is Venus – your ruling planet – moving into your home sign (29 Aug GMT). It’s the astrological equivalent to getting your colour done after months of regrowth peeking through. You can’t help but feel fresher, bouncier, more you. And right at the same time, Venus and Pluto join hands to create what can only be described as a “moment”. Think: making an entrance or going IG official, it’s all eyes on you in the very best way. Don’t let it go to waste – get ready for your big debut or start planning one immediately.
There’s so much to like about this week, mostly because its anything but boring – especially for Scorpio folks. First you get a moment of realisation, possibly relating to something that’s been left hanging or unsaid at work around the middle of the week. Next up, Uranus and Pluto bring the thunder – causing quite the commotion. It’s disruption and surprise on a grand scale, and while it may not unfold in your personal life, it should make for a bloody good show.
Hold the phone, you’re in for a treat this week. After the grind of last week (or the last couple, truth be told) the tides are a turnin’. First off, expect feedback on issues that have been delivering nothing but crickets this month. Then, Venus opens the window for you to shimmy through, and make leaps and bounds on the work front. Tuesday through Friday is your moment to hit “apply” on that job app or ask someone to mentor you professionally. The skies are aligned to help you land what you want, but humility is key, so be bold, but modest, as you take a big leap.
Unlikely alliances and transformative connections dominate this week’s space weather as Caps get plenty of opportunities to make a good impression. A surprise download around cash or resourcing in the middle of the week could take you by surprise, but the real opportunity this week is to connect with people beyond your usual circle. Reaching out – or accepting an invitation – could be the start of something much grander than you anticipated. And as Pluto prepares to re-enter your home sign for the last time this century, expect a bit of drama on Sunday (GMT).
While you love progress, you’re not necessarily amazing with change; that’s ok, but keep that in mind as you traverse the waves this week. Mercury’s station in the middle of the week promises a little “ta-da” moment with someone important – a weighty conversation or clarity around something that’s been left hanging will feel like a relief. There’s also the seed of something transformative blossoming in a relationship you’d least expect – an estranged relative, or someone you consider er, “less than friendly” could develop. Don’t be too suss, this could be the start of something profound.
The past couple of weeks have put you through the wringer but this week things are on the turn. That doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing but sometimes a key change is better than continuing along the same chord progression. First cab off the rank, some news or info at work or around your health that helps you make sense of something for the first time in weeks. Then it’s onto the next thing when someone close to you has the chance to switch things up and explore a totally different approach. Cheer them on, it may seem leftfield or a little unconventional but the opportunity to do things differently could be deeply healing, and exactly what they need.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.