It’s a truly mixed bag this week with drama, illusion and intrigue ensuring things are potentially both shaken and stirred. Looking to assert your position? Step right up! In fact, even low-key manoeuvres will have a big impact early in the week.
On the flipside, if you’re on the receiving end of a big power move, expect fireworks. The mood is resistant-to-change, with a chance of stubborn. There’s a Karen quality (thanks to Mars in Taurus) with a kind of, “No, I couldn’t possibly compromise. We’ve always done it this way, so this is how it is,” kind of weather.
Thankfully, the rigidity earlier in the week gives way to a much smoother second half. A spike in clarity, understanding or movement potential eases tension on Saturday or at least gives you a better idea of where you stand. That newfound perspective coincides with a break in the weather that could seem softer, sweeter, maybe almost too good to be true? Enjoy the reprieve, but don’t make long-term plans based on anything (or anyone) that appears over the weekend.
Aries and Aries rising
A money issue early in the week has the potential to cause a big blow-up, especially with friends. Mountains will be made of molehills if you don’t move mindfully and handle with care. This is not the time to assume things will all work out in the wash when it comes time to settle the bill. Be intentional, precise and considerate to minimise the drama.
Taurus and Taurus rising
There’s a surge of energy on the cards from the get-go this week with Mars storming into your home sign. Expect to feel confident, energised, maybe a little bit spicy! But be warned, putting your foot down and standing your ground could ruffle feathers – especially at work. What you perceive as standing your ground could be interpreted as stubborn.
Gemini and Gemini rising
While a restlessness could have you feeling a little off kilter early in the week, the edginess should dissipate by the back half of the week. By Saturday, an almost super human prowess to communicate with clarity and wit showcases your Mercurial talents. If you’re offered the mic, don’t back down… and don’t overthink it. Trust what comes through is what needs to be said.
Cancer and cancer rising
Tricky terrain with friends could sap your energy early in the week, as a mate’s propensity to stick to their guns ignites fireworks. You could get involved…but you could also bail on any group activities that require split bills or shared costs. Tune into your dreams over next weekend when your most insightful moments could come while you’re asleep.
Leo and Leo rising
You’ve got to know when to hold them, and when to fold them, and this week, folding will save you a whole lot of heartache. An issue at work reaches a stalemate, as a colleague (likely more senior) refuses to back down. If you’re tempted to try and talk someone around – especially a boss – save your energy. No amount of spin is going to win them over. In fact, it could have the opposite effect.
Virgo and Virgo rising
There’s drama brewing as someone with an apparent allergy to compromise digs their heels in and refuses to come to the party. Going into the week knowing it’s actually not worth trying to get them on board will save you energy and heartache. The weekend promises much smoother sailing, although any olive branches around Sunday should be viewed with healthy scepticism.
Libra and Libra rising
A major outlay could blow your budget and max out credit cards this week, as Mars and Pluto point to a big financial outlay . Travel plans could also hit a snag as Saturn and Mercury send you on a detour around Thursday/Friday. Expect things to take a little longer and allow extra time to get to and from airports if you’re flying.
Scorpio and Scorpio rising
An act of bullishness could get you wound up early in the week, as Mars and Pluto clash. If your other half or someone close to you seems to be digging in their heels over something trivial, ask yourself, is it really worth a fight? If you’ve been holding back, expect tensions to bubble over. It’s intense energy but at least you’ll know where you stand.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising
Office politics could go from zero to atomic this week, with Mars and Pluto setting the scene for high octane drama. While a colleague’s decision to make an example out of an issue may seem petty, the fallout could be much bigger than you initially anticipated. Keep your head down to steer clear of the chaos. By the weekend, some happier news from or for someone close to you will help you leave the drama behind.
Capricorn and Capricorn rising
If you’ve been casually hooking up, the connection could intensify tenfold this week with a shock confession leaving you lost for words. For coupled-up Caps, a clash over intimacy or a creative discord could kick off a major showdown. If you’re not in the mood to have it out, choose your words carefully. After a momentary road block on the work front, there’s a sense of resolve and clarity as of Saturday.
Aquarius and Aquarius rising
The people you live with could feel especially infuriating this week as Mars and Pluto stir the pot on the domestic front. Alternatively, if you’ve been waiting for some sense of physical momentum (like moving or selling your home), things could take off quite suddenly. By the weekend, a break in the weather brings a newfound clarity to your creative vision.
Pisces and Pisces rising
Tension with family or even neighbours could boil over this week as a battle of wills explodes. There’s an uncompromising quality to the dynamic that will make finding a middle ground feel almost impossible. After a speed bump on Friday, things look decidedly less tricky by the weekend. Hang in there and remember that this too shall pass.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.