By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes January 15–21: Initiate Your Most Productive Week Of The Month

Still waiting to find some kind of momentum post holidays? Get ready for a rush of motivation this week, says astrologer Emma Vidgen.

Art: Kimberlee Kessler

If you were looking for a “most productive week” of January, consider yourself officially notified! With four planets now in bossy AF Capricorn, we’re finally getting a rush of motivation and energy, perfect for kicking off new-year projects.

As Mercury makes its final pass through its shadow degrees (a kind of epilogue to the Mercury retrograde that dominated late 2023), discussions or decisions hanging over from mid-December could finally get straightened out. Conversations that previously felt intimidating or just too hard suddenly seem manageable. It’s time to get on with what’s in front of you and start planning the year (check out our year ahead to help you figure out what areas of your life will be a key focus).

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee


If you’re not already back at work, use this week to do a little career life planning. The energy is tip-top for making inroads on professional goals or rekindling conversations that went nowhere in 2023. Reactivate LinkedIn premium, reach out to that recruiter you were speaking or get your CV a professional glow up with a resume writer. Friday (all time zones) looks especially nice for initiating work-life chats so take a deep breath and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.


If you’ve had daydreams about retraining or up-skilling in 2024, this week looks ideal for seriously exploring your course options. With four planets bringing focus and acumen to the part of your chart ruling higher learning, that mini-MBA never looked so doable. If heading back to school isn’t quite your jam, it’s excellent space weather to investigate the logistics of your next big OS trip.


There’s a serious quality this week that makes it the perfect moment to get sh*t done. If improving your cash and/or property situation is part of your grand plan for 2024, this is as good a week as any to make a start. Seeking a second opinion, especially from a qualified professional should set you up in good stead for a more abundant 2024.


It takes two! This week there’s great momentum for strengthening the most important relationships in your life. If you’re coupled up, tricky but productive chats will improve your mutual understanding. If you’re single, there’s lots of potential to initiate something new with major long-term potential. Whatever your situation, this is a week to advocate for yourself and truly ask for what you want in an ongoing partnership.


If you’re back on the tools already, it’s all systems go with four planets blazing through your work sector. All those odd jobs that just felt too hard at the end of this year should feel like a walk in the park with Big Cap Energy giving you both focus and discernment. Likewise if you have any life admin that’s been hanging over your head (oh hi December expense claim!) this is a great week to get it over with. Pesky paperwork will never get easier than it is this week.


Whoever says Virgos are prudish may think differently after crossing your path this week. With Mars and Mercury joining the Sun in your erotic sphere, it’s a glorious moment to reconnect with your physicality and step into your sexual power. If you need a nudge to get you going, a cheeky Agent Provocateur order could help ignite your slow-burn. Don’t be surprised if a hook-up from late last year resurfaces out of the blue. Brace yourself beauty, things are about to get steamy.


It’s paint swatches at dawn this week with Capricorn energy igniting a flurry of activity at home. Wardrobe purges and reno plans alike will leap into action (possibly at the same time) as the planets energise you to charge ahead with plans you’ve been pondering since December. Serious conversations with family members (especially parents) could also start up once more. Don’t shy away from the confrontation, this is a great time to be direct and clear about what you want to happen long-term.


Ever thought about starting a book club? Group activities may not be your jam but with so much energy igniting your communication sphere, connecting with like-minded folks could be the rendezvous you never knew you needed. Random as it sounds, this week’s energy lends itself to starting something smart and social. If reading isn’t your thing, a regular pub trivia team might be the perfect excuse to get a crew together regularly. Remember, the strongest teams are always the most mismatched.


Talking about money is always ick but this week it’s time to take a deep breath and express yourself. If you parked hard conversations (or maybe even disagreements) about cash late last year (from 13 up until Christmas), this is a great time to pick things up. With Mars bolstering your confidence, keeping things simple and unemotional should be a little easier. Be courageous, once you’ve said your piece, you’ll feel 100 times better.


You are on fire this week with the planets colluding to give you a delicious blend of confidence and motivation. Capitalise on the good vibes by tackling anything tricky, intimidating or exhausting. You won’t find a better week this year to spring into action and Get It Done. If you can’t think of anything, channel the energy into physical activity. A tough Vinyasa class or a new PB on your regular park run will feel more rewarding than ever.


With four planets stirring up your subconscious, finding space for stillness and silence is essential this week. Doing personal, journeying work and turning your gaze inward is the best way to flow with the energy. Journaling, meditation and mindful movement are all excellent ways to process what’s going on emotionally. If it feels too much to explore solo, enlist the help of a trusted professional.


Who have you been meaning to catch up with? After a slow start to the year, it’s time to get out, get social and get moving. Grab someone you’ve been wanting to reconnect with and organise a day out in nature. Hiking, bouldering or an outdoor yoga class make for the physical and emotional reset the planets want for you this week. Skip the vino and let a an utterly wholesome hot-girl walk refill your cup.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International