By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes January 29–February 4: It’s Time To Execute Moves On That Grand Idea

But, proceed with caution from Wednesday, says astrologer Emma Vidgen.
Art: Kimberlee Kessler

There’s an earthy practicality to the start of the week as the moon in Virgo invites you to get serious about the big bold ideas you came up late last week.

With a whole lot of star power bolstering your vision for the future, it’s a dazzling window to take action on a grand plan. Anything that feels ambitious, long-ranging or even a bit beyond you is exactly the sort of place to rest your focus.

Later in the week (Wednesday through Friday AEST and GMT), proceed with caution as the pull to pander to other people’s likes/wants/needs – especially at the cost of your own – could cause friction. It’s a fleeting mood, but if it takes hold, fireworks may ensue.

Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at to learn your sign.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee


A relationship pattern that you may feel is ancient history is highlighted mid this week, triggering a chain reaction in your closest relationships. Take extra care with how you handle things your other half (or best mate, or business partner – basically anyone in close proximity) around the middle of the week. Don’t take things on face value. Check, then check again, that they really mean what they’re saying and not just going along with things to make you happy.


Ready to take action? Following on from the big, ambitious chats or ideas that came up late last week/last weekend, you’re getting a magnificent planetary push to get things happening early this week. If you’re not sure where to start, focus on breaking things down into small, bite-sized pieces. Chipping away at the first few steps will get you on track to start making in-roads – just make sure you start before Wednesday.


There’s a cool, calm mood to the start of this week that should motivate you to get cracking on something that’s felt a bit too overwhelming to start until now. Use the energy on Monday and Tuesday to map out a plan of exactly what you need to do (and what favours you need to call in) in order to get things off the ground. With Aquarius season highlighting the power of community, calling on friends, family and acquaintances with the skills you need could be the hack you need to make things material.


Fresh off the back of the full moon, you’ve got all the motivation early this week to put a cash-related idea into action. Whether it’s a side hustle, a new budget or an investment goal, use the unseasonably practical vibes on Monday and Tuesday to make a start on something money-related. With more planets on the “make it happen” side of the fence than not, you’d be mad not to give it a go.


Balancing big dreams with “how are we actually going to do this?” can be tricky but this week the skies are on your side – at least on Monday and Tuesday to do exactly that. Get moving on your big idea and call on trusted confidantes to add value to your grand plan before Wednesday. Gratitude, clarity and directness are essential to keep things nice – especially next weekend. Find a middle ground between diplomacy and brutally honest; it does exist.


What have you been dreaming of cooking up? With the start of this week dealing you a remarkably juicy wave of “yes we can!” energy, now is the time to press go on something special. Steady, sensible in-roads are the name of the game – this is definitely not a quick and easy pay off, but if you’re prepared to take things slowly and methodically (which is basically your MO) this could be the start of something great.


Sometimes deep healing can come from focusing on practicalities rather than the emotional or social side of a situation. Homing in on the material details is a great way to capitalise on the start of the week’s vibes, and could help you move beyond some sticky stuff that’s been coming up – especially at home. Later in the week, be extra gentle with yourself when an exchange could knock the scab off an old-wound (metaphorically speaking). It might feel scary, but (diplomatically) standing your ground will be a great achievement.


With Aquarius season energising your chart, there’s an electric feel to the week ahead. Calling on friends and colleagues for help with a major goal will pay dividends early in the week. Your biggest challenge will be in the “asking for help” part. It might not feel natural (or maybe downright uncomfortable)  but believe it or not, people want to help you. The only catch is that you have to actually to ask – not everyone is a highly intuitive Scorpio type. Over the weekend things could feel a little fractious at home. Keep that in mind if you’re feeling bolstered to tackle tricky conversations. Maybe leave it until next week…


Ready to network? Love it or hate it, that’s your #1 mission this week. Whatever is topping your to-do list, Monday and Tuesday are a magic moment to reach out to workmates, former bosses or even people in your building/neighbourhood and call in a favour. With the planets aligning to help you make major in-roads on a long-term work goal, the sky is primed for you to harness people power to get things done. Pick up the phone and ring…you’ll be pleasantly be surprised by how your call is received.


It’s all business early this week with the skies paving the way for you to Get Things Done. Don’t rest on your laurels, Monday and Tuesday are a brilliant window to get that project off the ground. As the week progresses, relations may feel a little more fraught, especially at work. Stand your ground, and resist the urge to over compromise or tell people what they want to hear. You (and your career) won’t wind up any better for it in the long run. Look for the middle road and don’t be afraid to use some strategic silence.


What do you need to help improve your wellbeing? With Aquarius season putting the focus on your body and mind, there’s never been a better time to knuckle down on those not-quite-initiated new year’s resolutions. The start of the week looks especially golden for getting a second opinion to help get you started. Watch your choice of words at work later in the week when what you consider just being “honest” could set off an atomic chain reaction. Think it through? Is now the best time to speak your mind?


You’re likely more comfortable playing the role of saviour than asking people to help, but this week’s physical challenge is to engage your network and ask someone else to give you a little bit of support. Whether you need help moving house or you’re wanting an introduction to a work contact, there’s a good vibe to get really, useful support early this week. As the week progresses things aren’t quite as easy going, figure out who could help you with your Next Big Idea sooner rather than later.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.