By Emma Vidgen

Horoscopes July 3 – July 7: Capricorn’s Full Moon Is a Fabulous Window to Get Things Done

Tap into the energy.

There’s a serious quality to the week, which all begins with an incredibly sensible full moon in Capricorn. Like a pair of flat shoes you know you’ll wear, but can’t get excited by, this is energy to launch wise-but-mundane long-term plans.

Tap into the energy, which encourages a balance of emotional intelligence with real world practicality. With Jupiter and Saturn providing support, it’s a fabulous window to get things done.

The sensible mood progresses as the moon makes its journey through what is currently the most stoic part of the sky ( Tuesday through to Friday). While that might sound like a downer, it should feel like a nice counter to the otherwise emotionally charged vibes of Cancer season.

Read more: New Lip-Smacking Menus to Try in July 2023

Celebrate all you’ve accomplished with a large glass of wine, a cry, or both on the weekend when Neptune, Mercury and the Moon set the scene big feels, and even bigger thirsts.

Hot tip: I always recommend you read your rising sign for the most resonant advice. If you don’t know it, you can work it out by casting your chart here. Want to learn more? Pick up a copy of my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee


You’re not one to hang back on the sidelines, but how often do you consider the emotional toll of all that hustling? This week, the sky is inviting you to reflect on how you’re replenishing the energy you outlay. How do you take care of you? If you’re struggling to make sense of it, look at a tension between work and home for clues on how you could find a healthier balance.


Get in the groove of Cancer season by keeping things moving at a slow but steady pace. Monday’s full moon is a juicy one for anything embodied with a slightly spiritual feel. Mind your step later into the week when the people around you – especially at work and/or at home could feel a little hypersensitive.  


If you’ve been burying your head in the sand – especially about anything cash-related – the full moon on Monday will make it near impossible to keep pretending. But that doesn’t have to mean bad news. With Jupiter and Saturn sending back-up, you’ve got the chance to kick off something meaningful, smart and good for you long-term. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.


It’s time to get serious. With this week’s full moon highlighting your closest bonds, now is the time for D&Ms. Whatever you’re feeling deep down – “Where exactly is this going”/”I’m just not that into you”/”Let’s elope!” – now is the time to come clean and get real about what’s going on. Finding a sensible middle ground between your heart and your head looks well within reach – especially on Monday. 


Are you looking after yourself? Treat this week as your nudge from above to do a little wellbeing audit. With the full moon highlighting your emotional and physical health, it’s a numinous window to have a check-up. Refresh your vitamins, call your herbalist or speak to your regular doctor for that once-a-year long appointment where they have time for a routine top-to-toe consult. 


There’s sugar and spice coming in hot this week with a little bit of excitement centred around your social circle. Finding the balance between being “that friend” that always picks up the pieces, and maintaining your boundaries is likely a lifelong journey. This week you could get a chance to check in and see just how well you’re going with that… 


Finding a sense of harmony between your loftiest career ambitions and your life off-the-clock will be a central theme this week. As La Luna casts her brightest light on your home life, looking to family – especially parents – for inspiration on how to reach your Big Work Goals will be key. Remember our parents greatest lessons are often cautionary – showing us what not to do – and that’s ok too.


With the moon shining a spotlight on all things travel and learning, this might just be the week you decide to press go on something you’ve been daydreaming about for a while. Whether it’s a trip OS or enrolling in an MBA, the stars on Monday are especially dazzling for supporting your grandest learning or travel (or both) related endeavours. So, what are you waiting for?


Oh reality, how humdrum you are… and yet, without a dose of reality every so often, it’s hard to keep your feet on the ground. Bear that in mind early this week when the full moon asks you to get serious, especially about wallet-related issues. It’s a primo time to take the plunge and commit to something big (new apartment, perhaps?) or have very frank money conversations with your other half. Rip the band-aid off and just do it. You’ll be glad you did. 


This week, you’re getting a greenlight go get serious…about your feelings. Possibly not the greenlight you’d choose, but if you approach it as a mountain to climb rather than a terrifying exercise in vulnerability, you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. This is your opportunity to clear the air and make in-roads towards a healthier, more grounded relationship. Be brave, you got this.


Ever noticed the thing we fear most is doesn’t often come to pass? This week’s full moon is here to remind you of that very lesson. Like a no-nonsense parent shining a torch under your bed to show there aren’t any monsters, this lunation reminds you that the things you fret over are almost always not worth the worry. 


As Cancer season supercharges your creative flow, the sky brings an earthy calm early in the week. It’s the sort of weather to support you bringing imagination down into a manageable, tangible form. Make space on Monday and Tuesday to put pen to paper (literally or figuratively speaking) and prepare to be delighted as your artistic process reaches new levels of productivity.

This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.