This week’s horoscope brings clouds of chaos. Brace yourself and trust that timing is everything. Art: Kimberlee Kessler.
Did you want spice with that? Whichever way you cut it this week is coming in hot with opposing views spelling d-r-a-m-a.
“I think we could do this better” goes head-to-head with a whole lot of “these are all the reasons that won’t work” making for a tense atmosphere all around. Even if you’re not directly involved, the fractiousness of it all could make you reticent to weigh in, especially in group situations.
Thankfully some earthy practicality leading into the weekend helps pave a more promising way forward. In fact, the weekend looks remarkably more harmonious as Venus, Jupiter and the Moon join forces to mend fences and get things back on track. If you’ve got the choice of when to have a hard conversation, Saturday or Sunday look much more supportive, but only if you leave your feelings at the door and focus on relationships and a flow of ideas rather than point scoring and bluster.
Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at theastrologyofyou.com to learn your sign.
Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.
Aries and Aries rising
While a stoush at work could bring a serious note to your nine-to-dive, there is progress to be made…if you pick your moment. Timing is everything, and patiently waiting for the right time to offer a solution could be the difference between winning and losing. Lean out Monday to Thursday (AEST and GMT) and let the people around you have it out. By Friday, a sense of earthy pragmatism – and an alliance with someone more senior – could pay dividends.
Taurus and Taurus rising
Brace yourself bulls, you’re off to the races – or rodeo as the case may be – from the get-go this week. Beware of blow-hards – especially at work – who promise to talk a big game and stir the pot. Too many opinions could cause division and unrest Monday through to Thursday. Thankfully the drama is momentary, with the mood decidedly more grounded from Friday onwards. A moment of unity over the weekend sets a very different vibe and paves the way for progress.
Gemini and Gemini rising
Your optimism and patience may be tested this week as a slew of potent space weather triggers some “robust” conversations. The tension between getting on with the job and finding faults in the plan is palpable, and you’re likely to find yourself caught in the crossfire. Hang back from passing judgement and let the people closest to you do the talking (or “debating” as the case may be) and let them show their hands first. In contrast, the weekend looks downright delightful for a meeting of the minds, so keep an eye on the horizon and don’t let yourself get drawn into politics.
Cancer and Cancer rising
Red or white? Almond or soy? Flats or heels? Whatever the question this week, you can bet it won’t be an easy decision. As the people around you lock horns – at work or socially (or perhaps, both) – there’s almost no way to avoid the showdown. It’s enough to make you crawl back into your shell, and you may well do just that. Thankfully calling in the big guns and leaning on your most powerful and potent allies around Friday (AEST and GMT) could help patch up wounds incurred earlier in the week.
Leo and Leo rising
A brainwave early in the week could really set the cat amongst the pigeons. Just the slightest sideways glance will be all it takes to set the wheels in motion and get everyone feeling all the feelings about change… or their desire to avoid change at all costs. Great weather for stirring the pot but if you’re looking for buy-in, this may not be the easiest week to get it. On the upside, things look decidedly more diplomatic by the weekend when some extremely collaborative vibes pave the way for an olive branch.
Virgo and Virgo rising
“Getting it done” goes head-to-head with “But what if this goes wrong?” this week. Try as you might to break down potential problems into manageable pieces, it might feel like Captain No Lies waiting behind every corner. Let the haters hate, and give them the space to say their peace to help diffuse tension. By Friday, some earthy pragmatism and a quietly confident show of commitment will get you beyond the roadblocks you faced earlier in the week. By Sunday you may even be willing to come together, not only to patch things up but to actively collaborate and move forward.
Libra and Libra rising
Your diplomacy skills will be tested this week as you’re caught in the crossfire of other people’s “stuff”. Keeping a low profile and playing your cards close to your chest will serve you well, especially Monday through Thursday (AEST and GMT) when things look especially contentious. As unlikely as it may seem, there IS a solution, but you can’t even think about getting to that part until everyone has had a chance to say their piece. By the weekend, working together and focussing on relationships and ideas rather than the feelings and ego, will help you move beyond the stalemate.
Scorpio and Scorpio rising
Change is never easy, but a new idea or approach has the potential to get under your skin and grind your gears early this week. Digging your heels in will be an almost knee-jerk reaction before you’ve had a chance to think things through. But reserving judgement might just be your best course of action, as new information continues to come to light, and move the goalposts, all week long. By Saturday you could feel differently about the whole situation, or at the very least, begrudgingly accepting.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising
As the aftermath of Mercury retrograde continues to evolve this week, there’s no shortage of great ideas, and maybe even greater opposition. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try and let everyone have time to say their bit. You don’t have to agree in order to listen. Don’t underestimate the power of being a good listener in a “vigorous” discussion. A long-term approach towards the end of the week could help pave a way out of the he said/she said before a break in the weather on the weekend shifts the dialogue from “me” to “we”.
Capricorn and Capricorn rising
Ready to flex that famous Capricorn stoicism? Now’s your chance. While the world around you will be feeling rather chaotic, a cool head and some very considered language will get you everywhere. Once the moon shifts into your home sign Thursday/Friday (AEST and GMT), staying calm amid a sea of sulking will show you to be the natural-born leader you are. By Sunday you’ll be able to exhale and get on with rebuilding bridges, even if you weren’t the one to burn them in the first place.
Aquarius and Aquarius rising
There’s drama afoot wherever you look this week as huffiness dominates the overall mood. At work, at home, even hook-ups (if you’re single) feel impossible to navigate without disagreement. As practicality and sensibility come to the rescue on Friday (AEST and GMT), a lighter, brighter way of working together rather than in opposition reveals itself over the weekend. Breathe a sigh of relief and lean into the “big ideas” weather. Unifying over concepts rather than emotions will help you find a way forward.
Pisces and Pisces rising
Keep calm and stay philosophical – that’s your astro prescription this week. As things heat up with the people you love most, it may feel near impossible to stay out of the collateral drama. As tense as it may feel, there is respite just around the corner (read: the weekend). A little self-preservation in the form of polite detachment will go a long way to helping hold your centre until the tides turn around Friday (AEST and GMT). Leaning on a trusted friend could be exactly what you need to stay steady amid the wild Astro weather during the week. Don’t be a stranger, that’s what friends are for.
This story first appeared on GRAZIA International.
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